The main benefit of hiring a professional Landscaper like Ammon-Jones Landscape, aside from a helping hand to take care of the hard labor, is the valuable insight which comes from years of experience in the Cincinnati Landscape Design business. Do-it-yourself landscaping is a great way to improve the home, and a wonderful activity for a relaxing afternoon but the mistakes of an inexperienced Landscaper could cost more in corrections down the road.
It is recommended that owners enlist the services of a professional Landscaper such as Ammon-Jones Landscape to get the Design and initial concepts started. Then the homeowner can take over the maintenance, if preferred. A professional Cincinnati Landscape Design team such as Ammon-Jones Landscape can help homeowners prevent common mistakes. A Cincinnati Landscape Design service knows the business inside and out. The team understands soil, which plants works well with others and which Design will compliment the home. Essentially, an experienced Landscaper has a seasoned eye that cannot be easily duplicated by the average DIY hobbyist.
Landscaping Mistake Number 1: Not Planning for the Future
Cincinnati Landscape Design services, Ammon-Jones Landscape, understand plants. They know what looks great now, and what will still look just as good ten years down the road. Planting shrubs for example, start out only a couple of feet high. The do-it-yourself enthusiast may not be forward thinking enough, or even know plants well enough, to not realize that the shrub may be capable of growing over ten feet high. This is particularly troublesome when planted right under a front window.
Cincinnati Landscape Design services can plan for a great looking garden this season, and a Landscaped property that will continue to improve appearances with age.
Landscaping Mistake Number 2: Neglecting the Front of the House
Most people spend their time in the privacy of the backyard. When landscaping as a hobby, many homeowners prefer the backyard to do their gardening and home improvement tasks. There is usually a lot more space to work with in the backyard too, so a lot of ideas can bloom. However, when the front is neglected, it can look really plain, or even bad!
Ammon-Jones Landscape, the Cincinnati Landscape Design service can take the small front yard space and create a look that will not only draw attention but can even improve the value of the home. Appearances count, so put your best face forward with a well Designed front yard.
Landscaping Mistake Number 3: Not Having an Eye for Imperfections
When devising a plan for the lawn, Cincinnati Landscape Designers understand that every yard is not created on an even grid. Hardly any yards are! They have an eye for bumps, curves and unnaturalness, which nature brings to every property. They work with these imperfections with an eye for opportunity, to bring out any flaws and irregularities.
Professional Landscapers Ammon-Jones have the ability to create a beautiful and inviting Design with a heightened aesthetic appeal.
The Cincinnati Landscape Design Team to Bring your Lawn to Life
Founded in 1950 Ammon-Jones Landscape is the premier Cincinnati Landscape Design service for all lawn Design and maintenance including: snow removal, Landscape planting, mulching, pruning, mowing, paver patio installation, stepping stones, fire pits and more. To see their gallery of finished works, or to contact them for more information on their landscaping services visit, ammon-jonesLandscape.
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